About the epiCURE Center

The epiCURE Center is designed to break down barriers to translational research and accelerate the progress of investigation in skin disease research to rapidly advance from Basepairs to Bedside.

The epiCURE grant (1P30AR069632-01) is funded as an NIH/NIAMS Skin Biology and Diseases Resource-based Center under FOA RFA-AR-16-003. The goal of the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Resource-based Centers is to provide critical research infrastructure, shared facilities, services, and/or resources to groups of investigators conducting research on skin biology and diseases, enabling them to conduct their independently-funded individual and/or collaborative research projects more efficiently and/or more effectively, with the broad overall goal of accelerating, enriching, and enhancing the effectiveness of ongoing basic, translational, and clinical research and promoting new research within the NIAMS mission.

epiCURE Center Director's Page: David R. Bickers, M.D. 


epiCURE Research Community

epiCURE Research Community Map

The Research Community of the epiCURE is comprised of 37 investigators at Columbia University as well as 37 investigators at 18 other institutions in the New York metropolitan area and across the country. Of the 37 members at Columbia, 21 are within dermatology and 16 are outside dermatology. Together this represents a cohesive group of investigators, some of whom have interacted closely in the past, and who will both contribute to and draw upon the Core Programs and benefit from the outstanding interactive milieu provided by epiCURE.

If you are interested in becoming a member, please send us an email: [email protected].