epiCURE Center Director
Dr. David R. Bickers is the Director of the epiCURE center and is responsible for the scientific, administrative and fiscal management of the epiCURE and has overall responsibility for assuring that the Center meets its goals. He will work closely with the Associate Director, the Executive Advisory Committee and Research Core Directors, to assure that the epiCURE maintains its scientific and organizational focus and that the administrative infrastructure supports that focus.
Dr. Bickers has had sustained experience in directing SDRCs, having been the Principal Investigator of the Center at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland from its inception in 1988 until assuming his present position in 1994, and as Director of the previous SDRC at Columbia University since its inception in 1997 to 2016. Dr. Bickers has been consistently successful in leveraging the types of resources provided by the epiCURE to expand ties to the scientific communities at both Case Western Reserve University and at Columbia University.