Skin Immunity, Integrity and Disease Core (SIND)
The overall goal of the epiCURE Skin Immunity, Integrity and Disease Core (SIND) is to facilitate high-quality skin-focused translational research. Ongoing research increasingly recognizes the intricate coordination of skin function by a multitude of neuro-immuno-endocrine regulatory systems, which are subject to both internal and external stresses (e.g., solar radiation and microbial pathogens).
Skin Stem Cell Imaging and Manipulation Core (SCIM)
The epiCURE Skin Stem Cell Imaging and Manipulation Core (SCIM) was established to facilitate skin disease research via the propagation and manipulation of various state of the art in vitro and in vivo experimental systems that model skin biology. To assist epiCURE investigators in the phenotypic and mechanistic analyses of skin disease, the SCIM will provide a wide array of histological, immunohistochemical, and molecular-based tools to characterize gross and microscopic morphology, functional features and gene expression in skin of human and genetically engineered laboratory animals.
Translational and Precision Medicine Resources Core (TRAP)
The Translational and Precision Medicine Resources Core (TRAP) core was developed to expedite the translation of findings derived from basic science/bench research into novel therapies, by providing investigators with the services needed to advance into the translational and clinical realm.