Skin Immunity, Integrity and Disease Core Core Director
As the SIND Core Director, Dr. Kim will will assume the overall leadership of the core and will supervise the day-to-day operations of the technical staff and support efficient communication between Center investigators and SIND technical staff.
Dr. Kim’s research focuses on understanding the molecular/signaling components that influence cell survival and how these components contribute to the pathological features of human cancer. In her research on human nonmelanoma skin cancer, she has adopted a systematic sequential approach by conducting mechanistic studies in primary and established keratinocyte cultures obtained from genetically engineered mice (p53-/-/SKH-1, Ptch1+/-/SKH-1, Akt1+/-/SKH-1, and Akt1+/-/Ptch1+/-/SKH-1). Dr. Kim has expertise in developing murine transgenic models and extensive experience developing mechanism-driven strategies using genetic and cell-based strategies to test hypotheses related to therapy and prevention.